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Emirex Wallet will support all coins traded on the Emirex Exchange

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When the Emirex company announced competitions on social media and several websites, users now have the opportunity to win a $ 200,000 prize. Simple things that you must do:
  • Follow the link: Website
  • Register and get your first lottery ticket.
  • Invite friends with a personal referral link to get one ticket per registered friend.
  • The more tickets you get - the better the chances of winning!
What is Emirex Token?

Scaling is the biggest challenge faced by online or network markets. Network effects are what all online platforms want to achieve: ensuring that the strategic value and platform position are
directly correlated with the number of users. Beyond a certain point, network effects come into play and drive exponential growth.

To achieve network effects, we need to provide incentives to existing participants and attract a large community of traders, investors, publishers and partners. To achieve this, we have published EMRX, the native utility of the Emirex token platform . EMRX functionality is arranged around the utilities that it provides. This creates a growth spiral through innate mechanisms through which ecosystem participants can obtain EMRX for their participation.

Proactive engagement with the broader community of traders, investors, Issuers and partners, who are direct beneficiaries of EMRX growth, drives growth and produces network effects.
The number of EMRX tokens is limited to 500,000,000. It was published as an ERC-20 token, in accordance with the public Ethereum blockchain.

Development Plan and Implementation Schedule

After analyzing the competitive landscape in the digital assets industry, we believe that most digital asset exchanges and trading platforms operate without clear regulatory approval. This creates unnecessary risks for investors and publishers that we are not willing to accept.

From our inception, we have focused on two things:

Build the most sophisticated technology stack to support
infrastructure market needs.

Secure regulatory approvals needed to operate the platform,
and expand services.

Emirex holds an EU license for virtual currency wallet services and virtual currency exchange services into fiat currencies. We continue to communicate with regulators throughout the Middle East, North Africa and Turkey (MENAT) Region to ensure that we will be given similar licenses in this jurisdiction as soon as regulations allow.

Emirex wallet

Emirex Wallet allows retail users to safely and securely store digital assets on an Android or Apple device, providing the highest level of privacy and reliability when sending, receiving, and storing assets.

Cryptocurrency wallets are an important component of the cryptocurrency ecosystem and must be designed with the highest level of security in mind. The wallet interacts with the blockchain ledger directly to track the user's assets and allows them to create and issue new transactions.

Emirex Wallet will support all coins traded on the Emirex Exchange and will be free of charge for the standard version. A small fee in the EMRX token will be charged for the professional version which allows extended functionality such as managing several private keys on any device so as to enable managing multiple portfolios efficiently and simultaneously.

Emirex Trading on the Exchange:



As for the internal stimulator of the exchange platform, it will be expressed in the form of an EMRX token utility that was developed based on the Ethereum blockchain and complies with the ERC-20 standard. In total, the number of tokens issued will be limited to the total number of shipments of 500 000 000 pieces. The distribution of this token will look as follows (see picture)

Emirex Operating Licenses:

Financial services, providing a virtual currency wallet service; Number FRK000909
Financial services, providing services of exchanging a virtual currency against a fiat currency; Number FVR001017
Issuer of licences: Estonian Police and Boarder Guard Board (Politsei — ja Piirivalveamet)

Emirex is based in Dubai, the bridge between the Middle East and:
1. Asia: China, India, Pakistan and Southeast Asia.
2. Europe: Europe, Turkey and CIS Countries.
3. Africa: Northern and Sub-Saharan Africa.
4. South America (future expansion).


Concluding about the Emirex exchange platform, I would like to note the high-quality tools, as well as the opportunities available to all participants in the world of digital asset cryptography. At the same time, each participant will be able to find exactly what he needs. In addition, Emirex fulfills all the reliability and security requirements of its exchange, which means it can become a viable working tool on a global scale.

Not so information about Emirex in more and I about it you can not until the end tell. So better than me it will definitely create a project technical document, where you will find answers to any questions.
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Official Emirex project resources:

Username : mbokgadungmelati
Emirex ID UID : IDF45A838D35

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