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The GLB token system will help carry out many internal processes


We cannot deny anymore if the community is currently experiencing a shift in consuming news. Modernization has really changed the habits of our society. If previously information dissemination was only done through print and electronic media, now information can quickly spread well through the internet, especially through social networks. In fact, through social media public spaces have been formed, where people are free to express their opinions or activities. The emergence of the development of social media, making many business people who try to use it for promotion and sales. Because social media is a very effective platform if put to good use. And the development of internet technology has changed the pattern of people's living habits. Not only lifestyle, but also business activities or buying and selling also began to switch to cyberspace by utilizing social media.

The internet cannot be separated from modern society today. The internet is here to provide various facilities for its users, especially regarding information needs. Communities can connect and exchange information. New media emerged to help exchange this information. As a result of the advent of the internet, a new media platform has emerged which presents all information without limits.

The most popular platform for people to find news is social media. Social media is an online media where users can easily participate, share and create content including blogs, social networks, wikis, forums and the virtual world. The existence of social media is not limited in space and time so that users can use wherever and whenever they want.

Likewise the GLBrain company was born in our midst, the aim being none other than to offer features that are unmatched for all types of online communities that range from private users and small to medium-sized businesses, and for more details, let's look at the explanation. . GLBrain company below:

About the project

As you might have guessed, GLBrain is an Internet platform whose main purpose is to solve all the problems described above related to modern social networks. At the same time, the platform itself intends to introduce new tools for users to communicate with each other, return to them the ability to manage their personal data, and maintain their privacy, reliability and security.

But to provide all these features, GLBrain has developed a special relational database, as well as implementing additional encryption and use of Blockchain technology. At the same time, the GLBrain developers decided to use SkyFiber as a blockchain base to make their databases more reliable and secure.

Weird property

It is important to note that GLBrain surpasses many modern social networks in terms of technical characteristics, both in terms of trust and privacy. At the same time, the GLBrain structure is open for personal and commercial use. However, as far as you know, at this time, almost every commercial organization is forced to exchange different types of data as part of its activities. This means that the security and confidentiality of this process is almost the most important thing for them.

Because this not only affects the life of the company itself, but also all of its work activities. This need is very acute now, when every commercial organization processes and produces only tens or even hundreds of GB of information per day.

The advantage

The clear advantage of GLBrain is the fact that this platform has an initial audience of 50,000 users with an average visit statistics of around 300,000 users per month. Which is quite acceptable for beginners, indicator. But this is only the beginning, because thanks to the marketing approach, the founders of GLBrain intend to overcome this milestone and show their work tools to tens of thousands, or even millions, of users of social networks around the world.
In addition, within the GLBrain framework, users will be able to fully use various advertising packages, as well as additional e-Commerce features, so that it not only promotes their products, but also other products. At the same time, if someone does not understand, GLBrain will have all the most important functions, like on normal social networks. That is, all content creators will be given the opportunity to show their creativity in front of the target audience, namely to publish: photos, videos or other content.


Now, when the biggest and most popular social network has worked for years behind it, it's hard to say that their current position is still based on the exclusive communication of users with each other. After all, you might have heard this kind of information about how our favorite social networks collect and send our personal data to various advertising companies. Which, in turn, based on data received, changed their marketing and advertising companies.

At the same time, this situation has once again proven to us that all of our user data is vulnerable and not confidential. In addition, using it without our consent causes a violation of consumer rights.
Turning their attention to everything that happened, the specialist team decided to offer users new conditions for communication with each other, where all personal data would not only be stored securely, but also confidentially. So, I am happy to introduce GLBrain.


The specially developed GLB token system will help carry out many internal processes, totaling only 300 million utility tokens. Of this amount only 40% will be allocated for IEO. The remaining portion of the coin will be distributed to the founders, advisors, and project partners. The initial value of the coin is 0.10 EUR.


Summarizing a small summary of all of the above, I would like to note the high level of preparation of the GLBrain project. Besides, despite the fact that I can only tell you a little about it, there are many technical aspects to its structure that will be very interesting for you to learn.

And to make this study as comfortable and comfortable as possible for you, I have prepared all the official social resources needed from this platform beforehand. The link that you will find at the end of this article.
I hope the information you read is useful and interesting. If so, like and subscribe to my channel. Also, don't forget to share your opinion about the project in the comments.

Official GLBrain project resources:

Username: mbokgadungmelati

ETH: 0xE8Ecf7302092Bb13fC7324e32Aa1FDB5464960AA

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