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Tachyon Protocol is a decentralized network

Tachyon & SYSTEMS

The Tachyon team has sought to build a safer network by improving the lower layer protocol. Since 2016, the Tachyon and V SYSTEMS teams have collaborated and
share R & D to find feasible technical solutions for aging TCP / IP stack. We have the same vision: to improve basic internet infrastructure technology. Success in this case means a significant increase in internet infrastructure and a decentralized number of internet services that are increasingly large.

This collaboration marks a great significance for the V SYSTEMS and Tachyon teams. As the first project to be built in the V SYSTEMS ecosystem, Tachyon Protocol will bring millions of users to the V SYSTEMS network. At the same time, V SYSTEMS will provide the Tachyon Protocol technology needed to get the DApp blockchain.

Tachyon Protocol will be released as an open-source library. As more DApp scenarios are realized, network security, privacy protection, and transmission efficiency are still important prerequisites for project success. We will witness the future of the Tachyon Protocol.

Tachyon VPN

Tachyon Protocol is building solutions in the dVPN space by restructuring the traditional TCP/IP protocol stack in order to counter the ills of centralization at a protocol level. Tachyon is reconstructing the TCP/IP model using our own iterations of proven P2P technologies — DHT, blockchain, UDP and encryption.

As opposed to WebRTC, we use Tachyon Booster UDP to improve network connection success rates and transmission quality. Tachyon Protocol routes user traffic through multiple distributed provider nodes after end-to-end encryption to avoid snooping. Its SMTP and HTTPS protocol imitation makes normal browsing activity look like sending an email through Gmail or visiting YouTube to an outsider.

With respect to multi-hop, the Tachyon Anti-analysis helps multi-relay forwarding to reduce the risk of information exposure after a single node is attacked. Tachyon also uses own DHT for routing. Provider nodes which offer traffic and bandwidth to users on the network are identified through the V Systems blockchain on which Tachyon’s native token $IPX is built. The nodes receive staking and session rewards for their service on the network.

Tachyon protocol


Tachyon Protocol is a decentralized network stack that combines decentralized and encryption techniques; it is designed to reconstruct the TCP / IP stack by means of a decentralized structure, end-to-end encryption, traffic concealment, multi-lane routes, and multi-relay schemes.

The Tachyon protocol consists of:

TBU (Tachyon Booster UDP): Uses DHT, blockchain and UDP to reconstruct TCP / IP protocols, plus real-time optimized routing applications. The TBU protocol is able to accelerate transmission of 200% ~ 1000% in a centralized network with a success rate of connections of more than 90% in complex network environments based on X-VPN experimental data. Independent tests will follow soon to help us measure further speed increases.
TSP (Tachyon Security Protocol): The security protocol uses a combination of encryption and traffic concealment schemes to protect connections from relay nodes.

TAA (Tachyon Anti-Analysis): TAA is a security strategy that implements Multi-Path Routing and Multi-Relaying Routing to counter traffic monitoring. The difficulty of intercepting all communication will increase exponentially with more active nodes on the network. SDK: Tachyon Protocol offers standard APIs and modules that can be adjusted to ensure rapid integration & deployment.

Tachyon Booster UDP (TBU)

TBU is a lower layer transport protocol that uses DHT, blockchain, and UDP techniques to reconstruct the TCP / IP protocol. Coupled with the application of Optimal Routing real-time, it is able to accelerate transmission of 200% ~ 1000% in centralized networks and more than 90% success rate of connections in complex network environments.

Revamping TCP / IP with Blockchain-based Transport Protocol:
We reconstruct the Internet Layer, Transportation Layer and Application Layer of the TCP / IP protocol by using proven technologies such as PPoIP, DHT, UDP, and blockchain:

● Data Link Layer: In the TCP / IP model, this layer includes physical sublayer and logical sublayer, which is the basis of communication between two points.

○ Physical Sublayer: This layer consists of hardware (e.g., Optical fiber, coaxial cable) that will be used for networking. As part of local infrastructure, infrastructure is provided by local internet service providers;

Logis Logical Sublayer: Modern internet uses Ethernet to build reliable LANs (Local Area Networks). Ethernet uses a bus topology with CSMA / CD, where each station must ensure that the media is idle before transmitting. When a collision occurs, the station will wait a random amount of time before trying to resend. Waiting time increased because more attempts failed. If there are many collisions, network congestion will last a long time. With star topology, failure of the central hub will result in a network that cannot be operated.

Modern internet is built on the basis of Ethernet where the structure is deeply rooted, meaning that the Tachyon protocol cannot carry out meaningful optimization directly.

● Internet Layer: In the TCP / IP model, this layer mainly selects nodes and makes connections. It serves the purpose of addressing host / packet identification and routing, as well as establishing, maintaining, and canceling connections. The main protocol in this layer is the IP protocol.

Tach Tachyon Protocol takes the concept of PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) to build PPPoIP at the IP Network layer, with complete topology, providing end-to-end connections on fully connected networks. At the same time, blockchain technology was introduced to enable large-scale collaboration of P2P networks.

■ Deleting a central server will minimize data centralization and data requests;

■ the use of blockchain techniques for sessions and community governance in which all nodes are considered equal and free to participate;

■ Each node is connected to every other node to strengthen the network
durability and stability;

■ anti-filter / sensor capabilities with millions of nodes;
○ Route addressing and node matching

■ To ensure the robustness of the P2P network, Tachyon uses a self-developed Tachyon DHT based on the Kademlia algorithm for routing P2P networks with Trackerless as our goal;

■ DHT (Distributed Hash Table) can be used for distributed storage. The IPFS project is one example where DHT is used for distributed data storage, but DHT can also be used for routing and addressing. Nodes and K-buckets can form data structures similar to the Merkle tree on the blockchain, where the K-bucket at each node is responsible for routing its hashing ring.
The K-bucket combination forms the routing table for the entire P2P network;

■ Each newly arrived node will get a Key ID through hashing their location after passing the node V SYSTEMS.

■ Kademlia STORE message: The relay uses the XOR operator to find the node whose node ID is closest to the Key ID, and asks to save its IP: Port and Active Time to the Key ID of that node.

Economic Sessions

Tachyon Protocol is an open P2P network, where vertices provide services and form markets. Session Costs are formed by simple laws of supply and demand. We imagined
The Tachyon protocol becomes a large and open bazaar with many participating nodes and many economic activities.

● The node provider can set a minimum price range to maximize the possibility of getting an order;

● The client node can set a price per unit (MB) of choice, and the client's account balance must be higher than doubling the amount of bandwidth per selected price per unit × requested;

● When the price-per-unit of the client node is within the price range determined by the supplier node, it is assumed that both parties agree on the price; The user interface displays the price index generated by the current market average price for reference by both parties in the session. Both parties can change their prices according to price points in the following ways:

● Change prices for each session;
● Set a price for a certain time period in which all sessions occurred in that period will be paid in that price.

Tachyon Ecosystem

As a transport protocol, Tachyon Protocol will support many industries with protocol and SDK stacks, such as data storage, CDN, fast and reliable communication for IoT devices, edge computing
and play games, in building a safe, efficient and strong Tachyon Ecosystem.

Rome was not built in a day. Likewise, Tachyon Protocol will release Tachyon VPN based on V SYSTEMS and Tachyon Protocol to test the feasibility and stability of the protocol stack like we did.
the first step in building the Tachyon Ecosystem; then we will integrate the Tachyon Protocol into V SYSTEMS as a transport protocol, providing cybersecurity & acceleration solutions for ecosystems to further strengthen its stability. In the future, we envision the Tachyon Protocol will be adopted by other blockchain, applying its capabilities in DeFi, gaming, internet surfing, instant communication, data distribution, and other areas.

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By mbokgadungmelati

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